Successful Greifenseelauf 2022


On 17 September, volunteers from the Hunger Project participated in the 43rd Greifenseelauf and raised money for our initiative. In the picture below you see Grit and Hans-Jürg. They completed the half marathon in a strong time and raised money for our projects. Despite the bad weather, they had a lot of fun. We congratulate them on this great achievement!

Now you have one last chance to support us in the context of our Charity Run: With a donation
(reference “Grit” or “Hans-Jürg”). Your donation will go directly to one of our projects in our program countries in Africa. Find out more about our projects and our approach on this link.

Thank you for your generous support and we are looking forward to next year. If you are interested in participating in a Swiss Marathon and would also like to support us, please feel free to contact us at any time.