40 years actively fighting hunger!

On July 1, 1983, the efforts of a small, dedicated group became an official organization. Their goal? To fight hunger worldwide – The Hunger Project Switzerland was born. What began with just a few members has since grown into an organization with many hundreds of committed, supportive people and now several permanent employees. We all have one goal: a world without hunger. Even if this goal has unfortunately not yet been achieved, we have reached many milestones together in these four decades. But much still remains to be done to achieve our vision: a world in which all girls and boys, women and men lead healthy and fulfilling lives, in self-determination and dignity.


Join us on a journey through the past four decades and the accomplishments we’ve been privileged to accomplish along the way:

Together, we have achieved a lot in the last 40 years! Here is a small excerpt:

More than 1 million people live in independent epicenters*

More than 500,000 women have participated in trainings to promote self-employment*

Over 194,000 women in India are actively using their voices as elected representatives for the development of their communities*

43 projects supported by THP-Switzerland in 9 program countries (Ghana, Senegal, India, Uganda, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Benin, Bangladesh)

*Numbers refer to THP global since beginning of record keeping.


Yet the end of hunger worldwide has not been reached. On the contrary, the pandemic and global wars are currently exacerbating the problem. That is why our efforts are needed now more than ever to achieve the goal of ending hunger by 2030! The last decades have taught us what we can achieve when we commit ourselves to a goal with many hundreds of people. We are committed to a future without hunger and poverty. Support us!

Empowerment – Investieren Sie in Menschen!