Burkina Faso


Burkina Faso has some of the lowest statistical values in the world in terms of human development in terms of life expectancy, education and income.


The interior is located in West Africa, bordering Niger, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Mali and receives an average of only 31 inches of rain per year. Burkina Faso gained independence from France in 1960. After a mostly peaceful revolution in 2014, Burkina Faso began the long and rocky road to democracy and by 2020, according to experts, the most democratic presidential election in a long time was held. However, the country is also affected by terrorist activities that could jeopardize what has been achieved.


In Burkina Faso, average school attendance is only just over a year and almost 50 percent of the population lives on less than $1.90 a day. The adult illiteracy rate was 71 percent in 2016. Around 90 percent of Burkina Faso’s 18 million inhabitants work in subsistence agriculture, but many lack access to modern farming methods. Droughts, increasing desertification and other effects of climate change have severely impacted agricultural activity and the economy.


Ensuring the support of the local population on the spot is therefore more important than ever.


Recent successes


THP Switzerland places one of its focal points on Burkina Faso. A number of successes have been reported recently:


Sapouy Epicentre


In 2020, the Sapouy epicentre achieved independence:


  • 47 villages across 5 sectors, constituting approximately 65,000 people.


  • 100% of smallholders applying improved farm management practices.


  • Warrantage storage system implemented, giving smallholders access to finance throughout the year and facilitating long-term investments.


  • More than 2,500 community members trained in a Women’s Empowerment Program and 4,000 women accessng antenatal services at the epicentre clinic.


  • 99% of community members believe men and women jointly share responsibility for making household decisions.


Epicenter Nongfairé


In 2019 THP Switzerland was able to collect 140,972 CHF for the Epicenter Nongfairé to support it on its way to independence. This epicenter reaches 14’753 people in 9 communities and aims to become independent in 2021.


The following activities could be carried out thanks to the financial support of THP Switzerland:


  • Leadership training/capacity building for committee members and animators to raise awareness among the population (2 workshops with 48 people).


  • Partnerships with local government and other organizations (2 workshops with 48 people).


  • Promotion of income-generating activities (soap production, traditional fabric production, home gardening, etc.) (8 workshops with 800 people).


  • Training of animators in literacy/education Community members (1 workshop with 48 people).


  • Enrolment of 40 children in kindergarten, so that mothers can also increasingly pursue income-generating activities.


  • The plot of land of the epicenter could be partially registered.


Epicenters in Bissiga, Vowogdo, Zincko and Loaga


In 2018 the independence of the microfinance program of 4 epicenters (Bissiga, Vowogdo, Zincko, Loaga) was achieved.



Furthermore, the following could be achieved in Burkina Faso in 2018:


  • Celebration of the independence of the Epicenters Bissiga, Vowogdo and Zincko.


  • The Loaga-Epicenter has reached independence.


  • Training program for leadership/epicenter committees in three epicenter with the following numbers of participants: Bissiga: 19; Vowogdo: 15; Zincko: 18.


  • All four epicenters have successfully registered the land on which the epicenter was built and have received official land titles.


  • Evaluation and monitoring of the activities of all four epicenters.



Travel reports

Impression of Epicenter Visit in Burkina Faso (pdf)

Report Visit February 2013 in Burkina Faso

Photos Visit February 2013 in Burkina Faso


THP sites in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso


Burkina Faso has some of the lowest statistical values in the world in terms of human development in terms of life expectancy, education and income.


The interior is located in West Africa, bordering Niger, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Mali and receives an average of only 31 inches of rain per year. Burkina Faso gained independence from France in 1960. After a mostly peaceful revolution in 2014, Burkina Faso began the long and rocky road to democracy and by 2020, according to experts, the most democratic presidential election in a long time was held. However, the country is also affected by terrorist activities that could jeopardize what has been achieved.


In Burkina Faso, average school attendance is only just over a year and almost 50 percent of the population lives on less than $1.90 a day. The adult illiteracy rate was 71 percent in 2016. Around 90 percent of Burkina Faso’s 18 million inhabitants work in subsistence agriculture, but many lack access to modern farming methods. Droughts, increasing desertification and other effects of climate change have severely impacted agricultural activity and the economy.


Ensuring the support of the local population on the spot is therefore more important than ever.


Recent successes


THP Switzerland places one of its focal points on Burkina Faso. A number of successes have been reported recently:


Sapouy Epicentre


In 2020, the Sapouy epicentre achieved independence:


  • 47 villages across 5 sectors, constituting approximately 65,000 people.


  • 100% of smallholders applying improved farm management practices.


  • Warrantage storage system implemented, giving smallholders access to finance throughout the year and facilitating long-term investments.


  • More than 2,500 community members trained in a Women’s Empowerment Program and 4,000 women accessng antenatal services at the epicentre clinic.


  • 99% of community members believe men and women jointly share responsibility for making household decisions.


Epicenter Nongfairé


In 2019 THP Switzerland was able to collect 140,972 CHF for the Epicenter Nongfairé to support it on its way to independence. This epicenter reaches 14’753 people in 9 communities and aims to become independent in 2021.


The following activities could be carried out thanks to the financial support of THP Switzerland:


  • Leadership training/capacity building for committee members and animators to raise awareness among the population (2 workshops with 48 people).


  • Partnerships with local government and other organizations (2 workshops with 48 people).


  • Promotion of income-generating activities (soap production, traditional fabric production, home gardening, etc.) (8 workshops with 800 people).


  • Training of animators in literacy/education Community members (1 workshop with 48 people).


  • Enrolment of 40 children in kindergarten, so that mothers can also increasingly pursue income-generating activities.


  • The plot of land of the epicenter could be partially registered.


Epicenters in Bissiga, Vowogdo, Zincko and Loaga


In 2018 the independence of the microfinance program of 4 epicenters (Bissiga, Vowogdo, Zincko, Loaga) was achieved.



Furthermore, the following could be achieved in Burkina Faso in 2018:


  • Celebration of the independence of the Epicenters Bissiga, Vowogdo and Zincko.


  • The Loaga-Epicenter has reached independence.


  • Training program for leadership/epicenter committees in three epicenter with the following numbers of participants: Bissiga: 19; Vowogdo: 15; Zincko: 18.


  • All four epicenters have successfully registered the land on which the epicenter was built and have received official land titles.


  • Evaluation and monitoring of the activities of all four epicenters.



Travel reports

Impression of Epicenter Visit in Burkina Faso (pdf)

Report Visit February 2013 in Burkina Faso

Photos Visit February 2013 in Burkina Faso


THP sites in Burkina Faso

Empowerment – Invest in People!